Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chinese New Year

Happy New Year everyone..Today is Chinese New Year. Julie, Alyssa and I along with our friends Bob and Rhonda (Who are in the process of adopting from China) went to a local Chinese Restaurant and celebrated the New Year. This year is the year of pig. We had such a great time. We were happy that our friends were able to participate this year because they were able to see some of the little girls in our area who have been adopted from China. The adoption process is long and when you are actually going through it, there are times when you feel like this little girl is never going to be in your arms. I know it gave them a sense of comfort in knowing that the "Paper chasing" will bare fruit. What an awesome day...Enjoy the pictures....

Here is a picture of Alyssa with one of her friends Abby....More pictures to follow.....

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